Client Testimonials
From Ordinary to Absolutely Outstanding
"Deborah moved our church’s children’s ministry from the ordinary to absolutely outstanding in a very short time. She has extensive knowledge and skills in effective methods to teach, reach, and train children to love and worship God. Perhaps as important as her knowledge and skill is her genuine love for children and their families. She continually looks at available resources for children’s ministry and is very skilled at weaving just the right pieces into excellent worship experiences for children’s worship. Most often her plans were developed into units that allowed children to get a greater depth of understanding and be able to retain what they were learning. When I observed Children’s Worship, I was amazed at how much the children knew and how engaged they were in their learning and worship.
Deborah is a motivating leader who knows how to train adults to be more effective teachers for children. She knows how to recruit volunteers, train them, appreciate them, and keep them involved in children’s programs. I believe that God is calling her to use her skills in a larger arena to work with churches and their children’s workers. She is an excellent trainer and is always well-prepared.
I have worked with Deborah in a variety of settings of children’s ministry. My experience as an educational consultant and watching numerous other consultants over the years has provided me with a set of expectations for consultants. Deborah is one of the best trainers I have worked with and one who spends a lot of time preparing. She is organized and effectively uses technology to enhance her presentations."
Mrs. Brenda Erwin
Elementary teacher; Middle School Principal for 40 years.
Georgia Educational School Improvement Specialist

Creative Children's Teacher
"Deborah Addington is the most creative children’s teacher I have ever seen. My kids loved her and our Children’s leaders said that her training conferences were the best they have ever been to. I highly recommend her to anyone looking for a Children’s event or any type of training event for your Children’s workers.
The first time I saw Deborah she was teaching a chalk art class for people that can’t draw. I decided to go because I can’t draw. I left feeling like I had truly been in the presence of God. She is very anointed to teach and share God’s Word. I liked her so much I asked for her resume because we needed a Children’s minister at our Church. That was the best decision I ever made. Our Children’s ministry tripled in size under her leadership. I highly recommend her to you if you are looking for a Children’s event or a time of training for your Children’s workers.
Deborah has a unique approach to leading children. She is creative, entertaining, and anointed, and I have learned everything I know about Children’s ministry from her. She taught my children in Children’s church. They came home every week so excited, and they could not wait to go back. She always puts Jesus first in her life and it shows when she teaches children or leads conferences. I highly recommend her to you for your next children’s event or your next children’s workers training."
Rev. Kevin Davis
Children's Minister
Antioch Baptist Church
Lumberton, N.C.

Passionate, Creative, Innovated, Driven, & Effective
"It is my privilege to recommend Deborah Addington as a Consultant for your Children’s Ministry. I have known Deborah most of her life and have had the honor of working on staff with her at Glen Haven Baptist Church where she served as Director of the Children’s Ministry for 21 years.
There are many adjectives I can use to describe her ministry: Passionate, creative, innovative, driven consistent, and effective to name a few. God has given Deborah the unique ability to connect with children of all ages helping them to apply God's truth to their daily lives. Deborah would be a great blessing to any church by helping them to be more effective with reaching children for Christ."
Rev. Stan Berrong
Pastor Emeritus
Glen Haven Baptist Church

Tremendous Heart for God
"What a blessing to work alongside Deborah Addington for 7 years as her pastor. Deborah has a tremendous heart and love for children. There are people who work with children but Deborah was called by God to do what she does with Children’s Ministry. She did her work with excellence in all aspects. Deborah has a strong administrative and teaching gift. She will be able to advise any church with experience, practicality, and clarity. Most importantly, she has the gift of evangelism so she is effective in leading many children to Christ. I recommend any church or children’s organization to take advantage of her training."
Rev. Jeff Hawkins
Franklin Baptist Church
Thank you!
"Thank you for all the hard work you did at First Baptist! Thanks for your deep love for God that you routinely live out! Thanks that you serve a BIG GOD who does great things! Because you serve this BIG GOD, you do some incredible things! I have been amazed at the quality of VBS, at you getting Dr. Kevin Leman here, having great Fall Festivals, etc. You are a class act!! I also think the way you lead Children's Worship is wonderful. My children have grown in their faith! Thank you for the love that you give so freely to people - both children and adults."
Dr. Marian Colosimo, MD
First Baptist Church of Winder
Well Prepared and Creative
We recently offered a children’s leadership experience for our churches. I wanted to share the contact of Deborah Addington who led this training for us. I can assure you that she would be a blessing to your leaders as well.
Deborah was well prepared and brought all of her own resources—handouts already printed and even extension outlet plugs! She was very creative and kept the interest of our participants. She also communicated well with each of our leaders, taking time to talk to them individually before and after, during fellowship snack breaks, taking questions, and even praying individually with them. Deborah was able to combine teaching techniques that worked in any situation or group, modeling them in her own teaching, and sharing personal experiences. Most importantly, Deborah was able to always make a connection to the Biblical truth and point leaders back to the gospel and how to take advantage of every opportunity to share the love of Christ with children and families.
Deborah has many already prepared training sessions with titles and descriptions and worked with us to determine the best topics and messages for our particular churches and their needs. We were only able to offer two sessions with our schedule, but look forward to having her back to explore some other areas and her expertise. One of the most meaningful was the leading worship experience with time for teachers to explore hands-on stations to lead themselves in worship and gain ideas of how to use these for their church programs with children.
Deborah has a compassionate heart, prayerful Biblically-based messages, and is using her spiritual gift to teach and further share the gospel. I urge you to book her for your next leadership training.
Alan Taylor, Associational Mission Strategist
Robeson Baptist Association
Lumberton, NC
"Thank you for that amazing class!
We have implemented a lot of your ideas and they have been working wonderfully."
-Danielle McBride, Lumberton, NC
Deborah, thank you for all the helpful resources you shared, the quotes you shared pinpointing kids' ministry so well, and the valuable conversations afterward at your Touching Hearts: Changing Lives workshop! This was such an encouraging and inspirational time to refocus on Him and His purpose in ministry through reflection, prayer, and scripture. I felt the Holy Spirit’s presence while you were leading us. [The workshop was] a great reminder of ministry tools ... intentional partnership with others, God-sightings, my continued spiritual growth, and prayer. Romans 15:13 has become my new prayer mantra for my ministry with children. Thanks for leading us to become refreshed and renewed in Him to keep moving forward to what God calls us to do!
SoYoung Lee
Director of Preschool & Children’s Ministry, First Baptist Duluth